Everyday Education

This page contains everyday tasks, skills, and jobs that have educational themes throughout them. Please e-mail/call me with more to add to my working list.

Reading: reading the newspaper, reading articles online, reading the directions to a video game/toy, sharing a favorite story or book with your kid

Math: balancing a checkbook, using measurement in cooking, working on cars, going over your budget/money management with your kids,

Writing: writing a letter to a friend or relative, writing an e-mail to a friend or relative, creating poetry or songs, posting on a blog, writing a response to an article, keeping a diary or journal

Science: working in the garage, working in the garden or yard, knowing how to read a thermometer, watching the weather channel or reading the weather in the paper each day, baking food together, working on mechanical objects, fixing things around the house

Social Studies: teach kids what road signs and map symbols mean, showing that there are two sides to every arguement (from articles, tv debates, etc), highlighting the importance of voting and paying attention to current political happenings, asking how your child feels about a topic frequently on the radio, newspaper, internet